Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Week 4 Update


Student Councillors

Introducing Room 26’s Student Councillors for Semester One, Sam and Isabella.

Outstanding effort, Sam and Isabella on being elected by the class to be the Student Councillors for Semester One. Congratulations also to all the students who delivered a Student Councillor speech to the class. Sam and Isabella will have many different responsibilities over the semester, one of which is taking over our classroom blog! We look forward to their updates.

Drop Everything and Talk

This semester we will be implementing a ‘Drop Everything and Talk’ session during the week. This involves students being given a topic and presenting their story or opinion to their fellow classmates. This provides students with a fantastic opportunity to work on their speaking and listening skills. Each week, two students will be selected by the class to share their answer on the class blog.

In Week 3, students were asked what the greatest gift they had ever received was. Isabella and Taylor’s responses were chosen to share.


The Greatest Gift – Isabella

This gift isn’t just mine…It’s everyone’s gift and that gift is luck and love. We are lucky Covid-19 isn’t near us. Everyone may not be lucky, but that’s ok. Our friends and family love us no matter what. The world belongs to each and every one of us. Deep in our heart there’s hate, but we can conquer that altogether. We may have misunderstandings sometimes in friendships, but we always forgive each other.


The Greatest Gift - Taylor

In my life, my greatest gift has been my dog. It all started with my parents and me. I kept begging for a dog 1000 times a day. I badly wanted a dog because we had recently lost our first two dogs, Bilbo and Spike. Losing our first two dogs made me feel sad since they were our pets and we had a bond. After a few days of me nagging for a dog, my parents took my sister and I for a drive. A few minutes later, we pulled over at a stranger’s house and they told us to stay inside the car. After a minutes wait in the car, my dad came in with an 8 month old puppy the size of your two hands. That’s how I got my greatest gift!


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