Homework Term 1

All  homework is set every Monday and needs to be completed 
by the following Monday, ready for marking. You may print the 
homework and glue it into your homework book or you may read 
it off the blog and write the answers into your homework book. 

Don't forget to read every night and complete your 
Literacy Pro Quizzes!

Spelling - Write out the spelling words each night 
(Monday to Thursday) and complete 'look, say, 
cover, write, check' to practice.

English - For each spelling word, write out a short 
definition and put the word into a sentence.

Week 1


Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 2


Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 3

Spelling Week 3

Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 4

Spelling Week 4

Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 5

Spelling Week 5

Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 6

Spelling Week 6

Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 7

Spelling Week 7

Mental Maths

Home Talk

Week 8

Spelling Week 8

Mental Maths

Home Talk